Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Hashtags, DMs, "tweet ups"- I just don't get it.
Well, that's not completely true. As I get ready to record a podcast on the uses of Twitter I have definitely been doing my research on this social networking/micro-blogging site.
At the same time, I have yet to sign up for Twitter, because quite frankly, it creeps me out.

It's not that I don't recognize that Twitter can be useful. I think it can be beneficial if you are trying to network with people in your industry and engage in conversation with those that have similar interests to you.

At the same time, I think it's a little weird that people I don't know, have never met and may never meet, can follow me on twitter. It's basically like stalking someone openly.

Also, letting people know what I'm doing at all times would be a little much. Sure, I do interesting things some of the time, but there are times where I sit on my couch, surf the net and stuff my face with chocolate...should I tweet about that?

Of course I realize that I wouldn't have to actually change my status every time I changed my activity. But, If I were to only tweet about the things that would interest my followers I would not be staying true to my personal brand.

So, if I don't want to be fake what should I be posting as my status???

My opinions on interesting articles, sure. My thoughts on class discussions, sure. But, ultimately, who cares what I ate for lunch???
Stay tuned for my podcast- I may be converted to twitter-user.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Let's Get "Real"

Can establishing an online identity ever be real? Are we ever who we say we are?

Forget about transparency for a minute. Technically, I could pose as a 35 year-old male who sells dental equipment for a living. I could establish an account on Plenty of Fish and talk to girls who may or may not be interested in dating me. Well, not me, but the person I am assuming to be.

This is the problem with establishing an online brand. How can we know who is legit? In reality, we can’t.

There are people who have twitter accounts who post the most ridiculous things to make themselves sound smarter and more in-tune with whatever audience they are trying to reach. These people are not being themselves; they are being who they think others want them to be.

When we take out the in-person variable, all we are left with is an online world of potential posers.

Monday, February 2, 2009

"Stunt Blogging"- A Conversation Created

It's possible that I made up a new term today- "stunt blogging". If the term already exists, then I apologize and am not as clever as I thought I was.

I participated in a discussion about blogger ethics and whether or not it is acceptable for a company to use a blog to promote business and heighten brand awareness. My classmates had mixed opinions and to be honest, I don't think either side is wrong.

Companys like Nike and Sunsilk post stunt videos (a form of viral marketing) on YouTube. These videos are designed to create conversation about the brands, thus heightening awareness. However, the brand name itself is nowhere to be found in or associated with the video- the stunt aspect. People start talking about the video and then somehow information is leaked out about the source and a conversation begins about the brand. This conversation is a great way for the organization to advertise and increase brand awareness without actually advertising (or spending money).
Click this link to see the Sunsilk stunt video: "bride has massive WIG OUT" (Thanks to Jessica McLaughlin for this). The video was made by Sunsilk but the company is not identified once in the video.

Can the same methods be used by bloggers? I know that the blogosphere is supposed to be a transparent social media forum. The use of a blog for this purpose my not be very 'blogosphere-ish".
Some may say it would be unethical for a company to "stunt blog" or post blog entries to create a conversation about a brand. But wouldn't blogging in such a way promote conversation? And, isn't the point of blogging just that- promoting a social conversation???